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Bandung recent comments:

  • St. Laurentius Church, katherine (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    this is my church.....
  • Sekolah Santa Angela, katherine (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    wronggggggggggggggggggggggggg it should be St. Angela it's true that it's a private school coz it's not belong to the government
  • St. Aloysius School Complex, katherine (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    sekolah guaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love aloy
  • SMP Negeri 3 Bandung, JR ti PH tea (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Sekolah aing oge tahun 73...aya teu nu saangkatan..?
  • Hilton Bandung, edoprianto (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    there's alot of hotel in bandung but i'm still waiting for this hotel ;) now, i'm working at Hilton New Orleans Riverside, USA as a line cook n I wish I can join with the Hilton bandung later, at least I can work n stay in my lovely country for future ;)
  • Universitas Islam Nusantara (Uninus), Hehe... (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    oh nooo... uninus masih banyak kok mahasiswanya, tapi sekarang dihuni oleh mahasiswa lanjut usia... alias kelas karyawan,...wkekekekee
  • Masjid Al Ishlah, adung (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    rumah gw disamping mesjid ini . . . .
  • RW 08 Sarijadi Bandung, adung (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    gw warga sini . . .
  • Maternity Hospital MUTIARA CIKUTRA di Bandung, Hehehehe (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    boleh2 aza...asal lo saki dulu
  • St. Mary High School (SMU Santa Maria 1), babi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    sakola butut sarang pelacur
  • MIPA & FTG Universitas Padjadjaran, fitri (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    pengen bngetttt kuliah di UNPAD masuk fakultas ekonomi
  • Pasundan University (Unpas), Kampus I, fitri (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Masjid Al Ukhuwah, ping (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    klo kesassar break dulu dicini (kaya gwe)
  • Jonas Photo Studio Pusat, ping (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    tempat magang gwe period juni juli 07 nice magang with u
  • GII HOK IM TONG, Nuke (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Here is GII Hok Im Tong Gardujati Looking for Jesus? welcome to you...
  • SMAK 3 BPK Penabur dan SMK Farmasi BPK Penabur Bandung, Nugraha SMAK1 '03 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Here is SMA Kristen 3 BPK Penabur Bandung Jesus Bless us.. United!!
  • SMP Negeri 13 Bandung, rifa (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    hai bekas lulusan juga,lulus 1991 kapan ada reuni ya? udah mulai tua,jadi inget masa sekolah buat 3E 1990/1991,kontak dong rifaya aprina
  • SMA Negeri 11 Bandung, tiche (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    swry sarvna,nella,aq ska s asya.. slm bwt sma 11 2007 dr tiche miss matematika tea....
  • SMA Negeri 11 Bandung, tiche (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    kangen moca munazir,oky,catur,ahmad euy....
  • Pasundan University (Unpas), Kampus I, (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    baheula aing kuliah didieu tahun 94