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Bandung recent comments:

  • Komplek Sanggar Hurip, me (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    that's my home
  • Western Indonesian Church - Bethel, davidrm (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    This building constructed by Ir. CP Wolff Schoemaker at 1925.
  • MIPA & FTG Universitas Padjadjaran, dod95634 mhyta (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Punten kasadayana ..... ? lamun tiasa mun, bade comment ulah hilap nyeratkeun NPM nya saha nu terang diantara urang aya nu pernah tepang ..... hatur nuhun,
  • MIPA & FTG Universitas Padjadjaran, isure (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    aya TIDUENPEADE dari taon 1997-2000 di dieu yeuh. tos 7 taon yg lalu !!! edun euy, kampusna msh aya keneh hehehe... Salam tuk sadayana mantan penghuni dago4.
  • Poliklinik Unpad, AD (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Akademi Sekertaris dan Manajemen Taruna Bakti (ASMTB), Rudiwhy (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    hehehe... gw udah dapet satu, yg cakep... mantaaap! sekarang dah beranak 2 malah.. cakep2 pula... alhamdulillaah atur nuhun Gusti...
  • Rumah Sakit Rajawali, Rudiwhy (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    anak pertama gw lahir disini thn 1999, namanya ADISYA
  • Pasundan University (Unpas), Kampus I, Icank ESP 98 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Kampus Aing............
  • SD Negeri Margahayu Raya Bandung, Kiews (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Urang 6 tahun didieu..
  • SMP Negeri 14 Bandung, Ajeng (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Pa Dedi masi ada ngga y?
  • Dago Endah Golf & Country Club, asetiawan (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Official Name : Dago Endah Golf & Country Club Address Dago Endah Golf & Country Club Lapangan Golf Dago Atas No. 78, Jl, Dago, Bandung 40135 Telephone +62-22-2502567 Fax +62-22-2503027 Website N/A Email N/A Holes 18-hole international standard Length Men's tees: 5,677 yds Women's tees: 4,847 yds Par 72 Green Fees N/A Course Designer The first nine opened in 1917. The second nine was added in 1994 by Chohei Miyazawa e.a. Location In a valley plot in the foothills of a heavily forrested mountain range just beyond Bandung. Facilities N/A The Clubhouse is situated at the top of the site. Description Steep uphill fairways and exhausting climbs with beautiful views over Bandung in the distance. my best score : 93
  • AKPER DR. OTTEN BANDUNG, Kosasih 1997 Graduate (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Dr. otten Nursing Academy is a vibrant, exhilarating and rigorous place to study nursing at the graduate level. Students from diverse backgrounds meet in an environment that nurtures an appreciation for high standards and the pursuit of excellence in nursing practice. In educating nursing leaders, Dr. Otten relies heavily on its deep tradition of excellence in teaching. At Otten Bandung, one of the national's most distinguished leading academy, scholarship reflects the interchange between practice and knowledge. Dr Otten Bandung is committed to excellence in nursing education by providing a supportive and caring environment in order to facilitate personal and professional growth, educational mobility, and life-long learning. Hope Dr. Otten Bandung is always the best. Best regards Kosasih
  • SD Negeri Ciporeat 1-4, anton (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    aku juga pernah sekolah di sdn ciporeat 1
  • Lapas Sukamiskin, Aing tah (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Indonesian Corruption Place.
  • AUTO 2000, Ontohod (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Dari Jauh Hwua...., dari deket Wee....
  • SD Nilem, Boy (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    GW lulus SDN NILEM 4 tahun 1982(Pak Dedenk aya keneh teu..?), Terus lanjut ke SMPN 3 Bandung. Yo..kita cari SMPN 3 di Jl. Dewi Sartika Kbn Kalapa.
  • Kosan K-25, ryana jayagiri (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • MIPA & FTG Universitas Padjadjaran, dod95634 mhyta (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    duh asli euy sono pisan babaturan aing araya teu nya ?
  • MIPA & FTG Universitas Padjadjaran, dod95634 mhyta (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    sarua ieu ge kampus aing baheula, masih aya keneh teu angkatan sy baheula ??? salam oge ka si abah goreng tahuna ngeunah euy .......
  • Batununggal TPU, brojol (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    ieu bumi saha