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Bandung recent comments:

  • SD Labschool UPI, Ramadhio (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    im school in SDPN setiabudhi class 5 a my school is beutyful im happy school in sdpn setiabudhi because the people so happy
  • SMP Negeri 29 Bandung, Aku (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Dulu aku sekolah di sini, terima kasih Bapak/Ibu guruku, karena jasa-jasamu aku bisa menjadi sekarang ini.
  • Pasar Baru, liarama19 (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    very cheap price hard to find a parking lot, lot of jack ass, small sizes,
  • Bumi Asri III, FajarSXE (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Salam buat Pa Agung wiyono Dr Dari barudak si kemes!!! Pa kita udah lulus
  • Karang Setra Swimming Pool, FajarSXE (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    good swimming pool
  • Kost Jl. Telepon, dini (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    huehehe...bner bgt, ni kos2an qta dulu...wait...doloe?!sampe skrg kaleeeee...huhuhu...^o^
  • Cluster Cigadung Indah, No. 2, indb (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    cluster cigadung indah no 1.
  • Pasundan University (Unpas), Kampus I, Bonkzextrasan9e (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    susah senang slalu di unpas cu,....
  • SDPN Sabang - Bandung, dimi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    hlo dh lam ga ktemu
  • The Main Building Bio Farma, Anu (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Gue pernah berkunjung kesini beberapa kali, juga pernah nginep disini (di guest house maksudnya). Uu.. hebat buanyak vaksin... macem2 dr buat penyakit campak sampe hepatitis. Vaksin perlu tempat tinggal, tempatnya duingiin banget... hiiiiii...menggigil gue..kalo 1 jam, bisa jadi patung ess ... hiii seruemmm ...
  • Sekolah Tinggi Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia (ST-INTEN), versa_1872 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    not i love STFI, but WE love STFI
  • The Jarrdin (ex Cihampelas Swimming Pool), acep (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Aing ngojay didieu saban poe saptu...baheula keur ciwalk can aya
  • masjid al-wustho, kirana (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    rumah nenekku dekat sini, beda erte doank
  • Perumahan GiriMekar Permai - Cilengkrang, Tovik (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    My Home Sweet Home, by Tovik
  • Gedung Serbaguna RW 08 Sarijadi, melky in california (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • SMK Negeri 12 Bandung, melky in california (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    sekolah gue dulu (STMN 5 BDG }
  • Merdeka 5 Elementary School, melky in california (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    sekolah gue dulu and anak guru ibu adji
  • Western Indonesian Church - Bethel, melky in california (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    gue sidi di gereja ini
  • STMIK-IM / STIE STAN-IM, anita (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Pak Yos memang hebat....
  • Hilton Bandung, ashoimun (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    The first choice for growing up carrier after 5 years joint with rosewood hotels & resorts in Riyadh KSA. Regards,