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Bandung recent comments:

  • BuJar 68 (Bukit Jarian 68) Student's Cemetery., ibu kos pantek (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Rumah Sakit Melinda 1, yupry (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    melinda hospital rumah sakit khusus wanita
  • Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Ganeca Cultural Convention) - ITB, Eko Sedane Putra (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    t4 gw wisuda entar..he,,,,,insya allah...
  • Swimming Pool, Fitness Center and Gymnasium, Eko Sedane Putra (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    kapn neh gua renang lagi...
  • Himpunan Mahasiswa Sipil ITB, Eko Sedane Putra (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Hidup HMS ITB....
  • Hilton Bandung, Susilastiyo. (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Hilton it's a big Hotel and it was one of the Populer Hotel Management in Indonesia . This Hotel itself could make Bandung as one of another choice for Indonesian Tourism destination cos Bandung have so many beautiful need to be visited and it will be improved for the Luxuries Hotel listing in Bandung. I will be waiting for the good chance in Hilton Bandung and expecting so much that I could be joint with this Hotel. Best regard , Susilastiyo.
  • Sarimas Regency, chocopink (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    rumah septi, vitri, windya, n bella
  • STBA Yapari Aba Bandung, JP (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    My favorite hangout place. and my also my Campus
  • Mesjid Al-Furqon UPI, yosef (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    tempat bapak wardiman nikah deui
  • SMA Negeri 1 Bandung, -DropOut- (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Smansuckz,,,nama doank SMA NEGERI 1 dalemnya tidak "satu" banyak genggongnya,,BACKSIDE lah,,BURGA lah,, TROUBLEMAKER lah,,BARISAN lah,,TAJIR COMMUNITY lah,,,Situ Oke?? tidak ada rasa saling memiliki, pengennya bikin geng sendiri..duh hari gini masih genggong2an??capede..i'm not proud graduated from this sucks school even a bit..
  • Pasundan University (Unpas), Kampus I, suci (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    hahahah ulng ge ktarima eeeh!! cihuy!! prettt
  • Yogya Riau Junction Mall, satrio (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Tempat kabur anak aloysius... Mie Naripan Uenaakkk...
  • Gereja Isa Almasih Maleer Indah, Tom (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    The church of Isa Al-masih (Gereja Isa Almasih, GIA Maleer Bandung)
  • SMA Negeri 23 Bandung, RIO (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • BONTI CAR SPECIALIST, Jl. Holis 222, dimas (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Wuih... mobil gw dicuci jadi seeepp dah... good.. good... ruang tunggunya juga enak... hehehe jadi ketiduran deh di sofa...
  • Water pool on Hole 11, Arcamanik Endah Golf, Miss secret (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    sekolah gw nih!
  • Lapangan SESKOAD, edi2004 wrote 17 years ago:
    di sini ulat cemaranya gede2...
  • Toko Hegar, appleforleo wrote 17 years ago:
    meseeerr....meseeerrr.... kang willy bade meser permen ...
  • SANBE Farma Group, appleforleo wrote 17 years ago:
    pernah kerja disini juga, di Bina SanPrimanya tapi cuman 4 hari hahahaha
  • DVD Murah (RUMAH AMBU INI TEH, appleforleo wrote 17 years ago:
    iya neh tempat laku abis... dari jam 11am to 8 pm